The Louisville Workers Brigade is an association of working people dedicated to educating, supporting, and uniting working class forces in the Louisville community. We organize with union and non-union workers alike.
The Brigade educates workers by organizing regular Educational Presentations which focus on Labor and Working Class history and issues and by producing easy-to-read literature for working people.
The Brigade supports workers through aid during strikes, by platforming workplace grievances, by providing counsel to workers exploring options for organizing their workplaces, and through organizing solidarity actions for workers in need.
Lastly, the Brigade unites workers by breaking down the divisions which the owning class has used to divide workers against each other and by organizing regular Community Socials where working people can meet other workers in the community and can begin to build ties of solidarity with one another.
The Brigade proudly continues the legacy of Class Struggle Unionism which understands that our present economic system is designed for the minority owning class to become unbelievably wealthy off of the labor of the majority Working Class. We reject the false notion of "peaceful coexistence" between these two rival classes whose interests are diametrically opposed to one another. Instead, we seek to heighten this class conflict by empowering workers to secure economic, political, social, and cultural power for themselves through struggle.

The establishment of the Louisville Workers Brigade is an outward, physical expression of the rising class consciousness of the working masses and the intensification of the class struggle between this majority working class against the ruling minority owning class. This intensification of class struggle—a result of the brutalized working class standing firm and using its position as the producer of all things as leverage—must be strengthened further.
The only hope the working and oppressed masses have is to organize into a cohesive, united collective—regardless of industry, employment status, race, nationality, sexual orientation, etc.—to oppose the more powerful and resourced owning class. This is the mission of the Louisville Workers Brigade: to build unity and power among working people, pushing for stronger union contracts, broader union representation, and a return to radical rank-and-file organizing that secures the most gains and victories for our class. We are not separate from the existing trade unions, but seek to educate and empower union members and non-union members alike, so that they can better participate as workers in the economic, political, and social spheres of our community. As workers ourselves, we remain intrinsically tied to and committed to the conditions of the working masses, not only in this country, but in all countries. This is why we dedicate our time, resources, and experience to the aims and goals of this cause. Only through an unwavering devotion to solidarity with all working people of this world can the workers of all countries fight for their collective empowerment and liberation.

Working Class Liberation
THE LOUISVILLE WORKERS BRIGADE believes that the chief source of misery and discord in society arises from the class struggle between the majority working class and the minority owning class that exploits and oppresses them. This minority owning class has, since the division of society into classes, sought to divide working people against one another through the inflammation of racism, sexism, queerphobia, nativism, and xenophobia. We believe the liberation of workers is intricately connected with the liberation of Blacks and other people of color, women, and queer people, and cannot be confined to working people in a single nation, but must incorporate laborers of all nationalities and countries.
THE LOUISVILLE WORKERS BRIGADE strongly condemns these attempts at dividing the working class and stands in solidarity with all oppressed people.